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Hopeless Clan

    Hello theres


    Hello theres Empty Hello theres

    Post  Zaexidez Sun Feb 12, 2012 12:48 am

    From : Holland
    Age : 17 years and 7 months
    Reference to anyone from clan : Dauris
    Level ingame: 46
    How many hours can u be on 24/7 : 1 - 12 hours or something, depends on how late I'm home Smile
    How do you play in a clan: I can help but require a little help back too, but I'll be there if someone needs me.
    The reason you want to be in this clan : I'm already in the clan academy, but for the future I'd like to stay in the clan. And having a forum/website account is kinda useful too, I assume.

    Before playing on retail I've been playing on other servers, private servers mostly. I've been playing as a Kamael back then, but currently I am playing as a Silver Ranger.

    Any questions? ^_^

    P.S. I accidentally already registered ^^'

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